Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thanks Be

So this is my poem I've written for school. Tell me what you think...

I am thankful for dreams and dolphins, for days and nights,and delphiniums, for dinners and donuts, and diaries.

I am thankful for silver moons, and red rosy fires, and clear lakes, and green leaves.

For magic and mysteries, for stars and stories, and family and forgiveness most of all.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Understanding Babies- the Nova Edition

I have always wondered what Ceci thinks about. Now there's not much need to, because she's *sniff* learning to talk. She still has some gibberish words she uses, though, of course. And this is what I'm here to talk about. Welcome to Understanding Babies!
You should know Ceci (and I believe I speak for many others as well) likes animals that are soft.
Oh, yes, she does. She can say only soft animal names, such as dog and chickie, and... what other animal does she say?

For babies, going outside and playing messy games is the funnest thing ever. Just listen to their coos (and screams) to go "OUTSIDE!" Watch them at every spare moment to make sure they don't get absolutely covered with mud and water. I've gotten in trouble for this many times, folks.

When Ceci says "DINK!" that means drink. So far her favorite is bottled water in a sippy cup. Why is this? Notable sisters still do not know.

The things Ceci likes are too numerous to say, but I'll tell you one thing. She'll climb up on the couch and yell, "Bow Bow!" which means she wants to watch her favorite TV show, Blues Clues. Why are kids attracted to silly talking random household items? I don't know, because if it really happened it would be likely to scare the bejeezus out of them.

This has been an episode of Understanding Babies: the Nova Edition.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Windy Day Haiku

On a windy day, you just want to write a haiku.

Breezes whisper by,
Leaves falling from the branches,
Windy, sunny day.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ceci's Adventures on Saturday

Well, it's that day of the week again. The extra fun have- no- idea- what -you'll- do -today day. In other words, it's SATURDAY!

Starring in this post is Ceci, who ran around in circles and spun several times for 10 minutes today.

So a game Ceci played was 'Don't Let the Alligators Get You!' Our cinderblocks were arranged in a circle and walked on. She fell down a lot. Who can blame her? They were 2 inches apart!

It was the windiest I'd ever encountered. Ceci kept on falling down when the wind blew in her direction. It was the cutest thing imaginable.

She tried to ride Tuff and Chevy, our dogs, around the house. Their fluffy, big behinds knocked her over. I was all for letting her ride them, but certain parents of mine were not.

When she took her nap today, I was sorry to have to stop looking at her cherub-style cuteness. But I'm looking forward to next Saturday now, and so is Ceci.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Funny Things Friday

Paul: Who lives in the old house in California?
Katie: Just some grouchy old lady.
Paul: Oh. So Mama, then?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thank you Letter

Dear Mrs. Connoly and Mrs. Norton,

Thank you for the box of great items! You and those anonymous have a knack for choosing gifts.

My favorite was the pencil and notebook case. I put the three colorful notebooks with quotes on the cover that came in the box as well and my old, huge, blue one because I want to be an author.

I really liked the book about Mary Cassatt and "Hands" by Lois Ehlert. I was inspired to do creative things more often.

The clothes I got were great; the short yellow pants and the jeggings. They are very comfortable, and comfort is my number one priority in clothing.

A million thanks to you and your friends. Your gifts are greatly appreciated.

Katie M. Borobia